Tuesday, 21 September 2010

Needwood School

We became school chums
In a grand house
With gardens, lake and flowers
Woods, fields and trees

Time to leave and say goodbyes
To the sheltered life
Part of our life died
When life seems dark
So full of fears

And hopes are filled with pain
When you feel lost
Upon life's path
Then guidance comes again

Each passing phase
When all seems lost
Will turn around -you'll see
Then future hopes
And future strengths
Will flourish there to be

For in your heart
You'll find the place
Where all you've lost will grow
When thoughts as wings
Upon the air
Into your life will flow

When life returns
With love so bright
Ideas and hopes conceived
Remember then
In passing thoughts
What you've so far achieved

Your dreams of hope
Are shared by all
Their loving thoughts bestow
When times are hard
Don't give up hope
For doubts and fears will go

School chums
Same upbringing
Feeling forgiven
Strong bonds in tow
Recall happy days
And happy times

Always here to stay
We share our dreams
And hopes
Upon life's path
Back to that sheltered place
Which we call home

Linda M Breeze

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